>>>> Latest - Video link of our mission in Bauleni, Zambia - click here <<<<
We have five communities, Chingola, Kasama, Mbala and two in Lusaka.
people who are longing/desiring to express
our charism in the service of
Jesus Christ and the Poor.
Acts of the Chapter 2014
In Kasama, the sisters are involved in nursing/midwifery in local government clinics, vocation promotion, social work in Chileshe Chipela special school and pastoral ministries in the parishes.
In Mbala, the oldest community in Zambia, is home to Sunsuntila Day Care Centre, which supports Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Households in Distress Programme (HID), vocation promotion, Primary School Teaching in government schools, youth and parish ministries.
Visit the SSHJM Mission Development Website
The Nyumba Yanga community in Lusaka, manage Bauleni Special Needs Project (BSNP), primarily providing both School-based and Home-school Based Education for orphans and children with a variety of disabilities, as well as Skills Training for 16+ students.
The project also deals with issues such as Human Trafficking, Child Safeguarding, HIV/AIDS prevention work, protection of the environment, gender-based violence, and other gender issues, as well as doing advocacy work. A variety of income generating activities support the education side of the project,
Lusaka, Lake Road, is our Novitiate House.