• All children have the right to education

Faith and Social Action


. . . urged by the compassion of Christ and responsive to the anguish of peoples and planet, we are called to help shape communities of gentleness, justice and peace that witness to the healing, liberating and empowering love of God.

SSHJM Mission Statement


Living out of the Gospel and guided by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, respond to the anguish of peoples and planet and witness to the healing liberating and empowering love of God.

Our Mission Statement and our Founder's axiom - There are two things that matter in life, Jesus Christ and the Poor, impel us to work in solidarity with the poor and oppressed. We focus on the JPIC priorities of:


If you have come to help me,
you are wasting your time
but if you have come because
your liberation is bound up with mine
then let us work together     

Lilla Watson

~ Human Trafficking and Migration

~ Social and Economic Justice

~ Care of Creation

~ Peace and Reconciliation



The Justice and Peace Centre was established in 1995 by the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary to promote reflection, education and action for justice, peace and integrity of creation.

The Centre is home to a variety of resources on a wide range of issues. We also act as a sign-posting facility for sisters, friends and enquirers looking for information on justice issues and the social teaching of the Church.


Over the years we have been involved in researching, educating and campaigning on issues such as Globalisation, International Debt, Trade & Aid, Food Sovereignty, Migration in all its forms, Child Soldiers, Disability issues, HIV/AIDs and lots more. We have supported peaceful protests at G8 summits, anti-war rallies and the Make Poverty History Campaign.


As part of our commitment as a congregation to the issue of Trafficking of persons, we host TRAC (An independent Inter-Congregational Initiative working to end Trafficking for sexual exploitation).
Visit the TRAC website


As a congregation we are a member of AEFJN (Africa-Europe Faith & Justice Network).  
Visit the AEFJN website


Download the AEFJN action sheets here  AFRICA ACTION SHEET