"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
Mary Oliver - The Summer Day
Mary Oliver poses the most central question of life that each of us faces. Answering it takes us deep into the heart where our hopes and desires are rooted, where true meaning and fulfillment in life comes alive.
Today, we are presented with many possibilities for living life, some of which may leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled. Pope Francis speaks of how the '"culture of the temporary" and the prevailing trends of contemporary society do not bring us freedom but rather, deceive us from experiencing true happiness and knowing our true vocation in life.
Vocation in its broadest sense means "a calling". Each of us have a calling. The big question that all of us have to answer is, A Calling to What?
To discover what our true calling is, we must take time to listen deeply. It is only through this process that we come to know and recognise God's voice and come to understand the deepest longings of the heart. It is in this listening that we come to know what our we are being called to.
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to discover that plan and to respond to your vocation is to move toward personal fulfilment.
God calls each of us to be holy, to live his life, but he has a particular path for each one of us.
Message of Pope Francis
XXVIII World Youth Day, 2013