Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking is a new document produced by the Migrant and Refugee Section of the Vatican. The Orientations are for use by Catholic dioceses, parishes and religious congregations, schools and universities, by Catholic and other organizations of civil society and by any groups willing to respond. Pope Francis’s insistent teaching on Human Trafficking provides the foundation for the present Pastoral Orientations:
The Pastoral Orientations are deeply grounded in the Church’s reflection and teaching and in its longstanding practical experience responding to the needs of men, women, boys and girls caught up in human trafficking and in slavery, both past and present.
The purpose of the Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking is to provide a reading of Human Trafficking and an understanding that motivates and sustains the much-needed long-term struggle.
The Migrant and Refugee Section invites everyone to engage vigorously in learning, communication and action about preventing and healing Human Trafficking, nourished by reflection, prayer, and the teachings of Pope Francis.
Download a copy of the Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking here